P3Y (परमजी-पप्र-परमयोग) का लाभ 2004 से निरन्तर ले रहा हूँ. निःसंदेह जीवन पूर्व से बेहतर हुआ है. जीवन में प्रतिकूलताओं का समावेश हमेशा बना रहता है परन्तु मैं अपने आप को उन प्रतिकूलताओं के अनुकूल पाता हूँ. परमजी ने एक बार अपने श्रीमुख से कहा था “परिस्थितियाँ तो श्रीराम के लिए भी नहीं बदलीं थीं तो तुम्हारे लिए कैसे बदलेंगी? परमयोग करते रहने से तुम परिस्थितियों के अनुकूल हो जाओगे”.  निःसंदेह यह सत्य वचन है.

आनन्द भूषण

If you want to control the mind, you have to engage yourself in good deeds. As you go on doing good deeds, you develop good thoughts and feelings. As you think, so you become. When you have good thoughts, you acquire true understanding of the real. The reflections may change, but the object itself does not change. As for instance, the sun’s reflections in a moving stream, or a still lake, or a muddy pond may vary, but the sun itself remains the same. Your body is like a vessel. Your mind is the fluid in it. The Atma that is reflected in it is an image. The image is clear, unsteady or muddy according to the state of the mind.
Do paramyog to control the mind and so your behaviour.


I have been continuing the practice of Paramyog for last 21 years and realized the fact that my karma is being  purified automatically without being deliberate on my activities and the actions . Karma or the good deeds flow from me naturally which makes me blissful and the continuous feeling of elation comes on me with positive cosmic energy falling on me. It purifies me regularly . Still, I  feel crippled by the vices of ordinary life but the lever of control is within my reach. I have the strength to control such vices of life by the regular practice of paramyoga. His holiness paramji has made my entire life meditation and keeps me under his benign shadow of affection which i have no word to explain. Now my life is unthinkable without the empowerment of His Holiness paramji and his Paramyoga. I feel it difficult to take one step without the divinity of Paramyoga in my Life. I want this divinity to be in my life and the time beyond this life.  Thought , sometimes occurred to me that How  could  have I  lived in past without the Divinity and power of Paramyog.  Paramyog acts as the antivirus as browsing in the world and experiencing the world infect you with viruses . Viruses may give you depressions and the mental maladies of various kind. Paramyog not only heals you mentally but make you vigorous to take the challenges of world with divinity. You may perhaps never be bowed down as long as you are under the shelter of His Holiness paramji and his taught great Paramyoga.  Paramji once said i may give everything to everyone who comes under my shadow. If he does not deserve , i shall make his deserving first to make his endowment everlasting . To me Paramji and Paramyoga are the twin pleasure of  life which come with all solution of life until death.